9 Trusted Resources For Environmental Policy News
Environmental Policy: Where To Start
If you’re looking to narrow in on environmental policy, there are ways to do so without becoming too overwhelmed. Once you find a few trusted sources, it’ll become much easier to stay in-the-loop with environmental events locally, nationally, and across the globe.
This is increasingly important as we move closer to the 2020 election. Politicians vary in both their belief in climate change and ideas about how to mitigate its impacts. Staying informed and taking action will help you elect leaders that support protecting the environment for future generations.
Here are some resources to check out and bookmark to stay educated on environmental policy.
// Instagram Accounts //
1. @unep
The official Instagram for the United Nations Environmental Program posts daily environmental facts, statistics, and global news developments relating to the environment from air-pollution to the impact of the chocolate you eat. This colorful feed with natural landscapes will remind you of the beauty of the earth while also supplying you with policy updates around the world.
2. @NRDC_Org
The National Resource Defense Council’s Instagram posts environmental calls-to-action regularly, with various petitions often linked in their bio. Their content mostly focuses on protecting public lands and supporting national parks, but also delves into environmental justice and national policy.
3. @SierraClub
The Sierra Club is one of the oldest environmental advocacy organizations and has 3.5+ million members. The organization’s Instagram regularly posts updates on federal environmental policy decisions as well as profiles on environmentalists you can follow and support.
// Online News Outlets //
1. National Geographic
National Geographic has an Environment section on their website that does an incredible job of diving deep into a myriad of topics concerning climate change. If you’d like to spend more time reading into the research behind the most recent climate change studies that impact policy, this section will help keep you informed.
2. Grist
Grist is an online environmental news magazine created in 1999 with a history of regular reporting about current environmental policy. They’re also a nonprofit with a mission to make environmental news easily accessible to all. This content is mixed with opinion pieces and in-depth reporting about environmental policy proposals and changes.
3. The New York Times
The New York Times Climate and Environment section posts daily news about what’s going on around the world from local studies on toxic waste to global stories about sea-level rise. Their content comes from a wide range of voices. It includes policy analysis from scientists and environmental reporters that’ll help you strengthen your opinions on current environmental regulations or lack thereof.
// Newsletters //
1. The Environmental Protection Agency
The Environmental Protection Agency’s Go Green Newsletter brings policy updates right to your inbox straight from Washington D.C. If you’re looking for straight-forward policy information, this could be the newsletter for you.
2. Grist
Grist has multiple newsletters with daily or weekly options. You can even choose The Beacon, their “daily dose of good news” newsletter, that only delivers hopeful environmental news and policy.
NASA has a climate change newsletter with scientific updates from space and what they mean for our future. Staying up-to-date with the environmental science will help you shape your thoughts on which policy decisions seem feasible and beneficial.
Lastly, you can check in with environmental hashtags on Twitter or look into Facebook groups that can help you stay connected and informed. You can also stay up-to-date with local environmental group gatherings in your area to find people looking to talk policy!
Where do you find your environmental news? Share in the comments below!
Leah Thomas is a contributing writer at The Good Trade with a passion for wellness, inclusion and the environment. She works on the communications team at Patagonia and is a sustainable living blogger at Green Girl Leah. You can connect with her on Instagram @GreenGirlLeah