You Do You, Boo: An Introvert’s Survival Guide To Halloween
Celebrate Halloween with the simple joy of missing out.
Halloween can be a wonderful time to be creative, invoke imagination, and live in a fantasy world for a night. However, the horror and extroverted energy associated with Halloween can be overwhelming for some people. The spooky holiday is simply not for everyone, and it’s not for me.
When I start to see lawns covered in skeletons, scary ghoul masks at my local Walgreens, and billboards advertising haunted houses, I want to run and hide in my house until Christmas. I wasn’t always like this—Halloween was fun when I was younger! I wore my princess outfit and collected candy, the same as many children. It wasn’t until I was a young adult that I felt pressured to make that princess outfit into a less modest version. And everywhere I looked, there was scary, unsettling darkness associated with Halloween.
Today, I am more comfortable admitting this holiday isn’t quite for me. I’m practicing JOMO (joy of missing out) and opting out of many Halloween activities. You can, too. Think of this guide as your ticket to be okay with celebrating Halloween in a way that makes YOU feel good.
Choose sustainability & minimalism for your costume
Maybe you find an event that isn’t all that scary. However, spending money on a costume can still be overwhelming. We are huge fans of using what you have in your closet to make an awesome costume! As a reference, look to old movies and dress like one of your favorite characters with pieces you already own. Not only is this more sustainable, but you can enjoy the creative expression of costuming.
Have a Movie night Instead
I’ve done it before, and I will do it again: a movie marathon while the chaos ensues outside of my house is one of my favorite ways to celebrate Halloween. First, turn off your phone. Fill a bowl with candy (just in case the doorbell rings), and then get comfy! This movie marathon doesn’t need to be a scary one either. If you do want to make it Halloween-themed, watch classics like Hocus Pocus or James Whale’s 1931 rendition of Frankenstein. You could even just watch a documentary about Halloween if that’s more your style! Perhaps you decide you don’t want anything to do with the holiday though, and instead watch re-runs of your favorite sitcom with wine and popcorn. Whatever works! You do you, boo.
Host a pumpkin carving party
Carving a pumpkin allows you to celebrate Halloween in a low-key and creative way. Call up your closest friends and carve your gourds together while listening to Halloween music—and maybe even make a holiday cocktail! For an added bonus, cook all the pumpkin seeds post-carving for a seasonal snack. Again, this holiday is about you doing what feels best for you, so choose the activities you most enjoy.
Last but not least: get out of town
Just leave. Escape the madness and don’t turn back. I’ve done this for a couple of Halloweens, and it was the best. I didn’t experience any FOMO because I was on my own adventure doing things I love—like being in nature. It’s okay to opt-out of the holiday altogether; go on an adventure instead. One year, my husband and I drove into the mountains and camped near an adorable town. We were close enough to walk into the town, and we spent the day visiting wineries and browsing boutique stores. It was one of the best Halloweens ever!
All that said, with any holiday, enjoy the traditions or have fun creating your own. Celebrate in ways that feel appropriate and comfortable for you!
Courtney Jay Higgins is the Content Strategist at The Good Trade. She is also a Yoga Instructor, vegetarian, wellness and fashion enthusiast. Originally from Colorado, her soul found California when she came to get her degree in Visual Communications at the Fashion Institute Of Design & Merchandising. She has a background in telling a story through writing, creative direction and content creation. Her online blog hosts her unique perspective on the mergence of fashion and spirituality.